Plodding Along, Plotting My Novel

Unbelievably, and against all odds, I finished a rough outline of my story.  Tons of paper, both notebook and plain computer, collaborated together to create my story in visual.  Well, more like a plot timeline, with major scenes as the heading.  Looks kind of like a police detective white board.  At least, as portrayed by Detective Beckett on Castle.

I was trying to figure out how to get from one scene to the other, and I found that minor plotting only helped me so far.  Now that I made writing a serious goal in my life, I felt the need to employ any and every method to help set me up for success.  And, even though in the past, outlining only helped to fizzle out my passion for my story, I decided to get over it, and write anyway.

Oh, and I would also like to add, that the story that I am currently working on was a story that I had originally plotted almost in full last year, but ended up pushing it aside by the end of last summer.  But, with my new dedication to focus on my priorities in life, came new perspectives and plots that I didn’t think about earlier, and I was able to capture the whole story this time without losing the “creative spark.”  I will keep fanning that flame, and working toward my goal even if the spark of the moment fizzles out.  I know it will only be a temporary set back.

Plotting through the whole book was a minor step in the grand scheme of finishing a novel, but still a step in the right direction, and I will take it.

Next up, writing a synopsis scene by scene, through each of my POV characters, interspersed with writing out actual scenes.  I’m still debating on whether to use first-person perspective, third person single perspective, or third person multiple perspective.  I will report back on which I used, but in the meanwhile, am open to opinions on which is preferable to use in a high-concept, YA fantasy.