
Hi there!

You look great, by the way!

While I grab myself another cup of coffee, you can check out my blog (there’s been a hiatus or two there…). I mostly write 1-2 posts a week about writing my novels, goal-setting/motivation, and general nerdiness.

(I highlighted a few posts for you so you can see what you’re getting into!)

I used to do a lot of giveaways and book reviews/news here, too, but it kinda got a little cluttered. SO! I decided to do a separate newsletter for those things instead!

If you want just my bookish news, reviews, and giveaways, sign up for my newsletter! It will be completely separate from my blog stuff (unless of course you subscribed to get my blog updates too!).

Anyway, thanks for stopping by! There’s some chocolate in the freezer if you want some, too!

